
Making a Difference Together with Monrovia Area Partnership’s 13th Annual Neighborhood Conference

Air-Tro proudly supports Monrovia Area Partnership’s (MAP) 13th annual neighborhood conference: “Live Your Legacy: Drawing Your MAP to a Better Monrovia.”


Monrovia’s annual neighborhood conference for education, resources, and relationships!

Join us for a day of learning, networking, and empowerment. Share your knowledge and make a positive impact in your community, workplace, and neighborhoods. Together, let’s build stronger communities in Monrovia and beyond!

We hope you’ll join us in supporting Monrovia Area Partnership’s local event.

Donating or supporting a cause you believe in is an incredible way to make a positive impact on the world. Whether it’s donating money, volunteering your time, or simply spreading awareness, your support can help make a difference in someone’s life. Not only does supporting a cause make a difference for those in need, but it also brings a sense of fulfillment and purpose to your own life.

Air-Tro will continue to support people who are dedicated to bettering our local community.

Need service, installation, or repair on your heating and air conditioning? Call Air-Tro today. We’ve been keeping California comfortable since 1969! (626) 357-3535.

