At Ranco Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, we understand that from time to time you may need to repair, service or renovate existing cool rooms and freezers to improve the look of your business premises and efficiency. It may also be imperative to meet Health Department requirements.

Our professional mechanics are organised, experienced and highly skilled to deliver your project whatever it may be, on time and to the highest of standards. Ensuring you can get back to business with minimum disruption!

We offer coldroom services, maintenance and troubleshooing services in Nairobi, Kenya and East Africa

Cold room repairs and maintenance are essential as building a cold room is expensive even more costly to upkeep if not looked after properly. Without proper maintenance checks, you may need to invest a lot more in getting a cold room repair done.

Imagine if your cold room took approximately six months to set up, repairing can often take longer. This is because unlike other rooms in the building a cold room is built upon multiple layers. These layers include but are not limited to insulation modules and an efficient refrigeration system. If your cold room has been flagged for much-needed repairs, chances are an expert team may need to do a thorough sweep to identify the root cause of the problem. This may not only take a lot of time but will also include a hefty cost as teams strip through the layers to identify the root cause.

However, to prevent such a hefty charge on your monthly expenses, we recommend doing a sweeping check of the main parts of the cold room regularly. This will help identify problems in a timely manner and save you from future troubles.

Get in touch today to ask for advice on Cool Room repairs or for an obligation free quote.